Tuesday 3 May 2011

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation


1. Images comparing my front cover, contents and double page spread with real magazines.

7.  Images comparing my preliminary task with the finished product

Sunday 17 April 2011


I am currently working on contructing an evaluation video for my coursework using the 7 evaluation questions

Sunday 27 March 2011

4th Draft of Contents Page

I have added a small picture of an envelope, "BLACK NOISE THIS MONTH" and started to fill up the columns, I now need to add 2 more pictures, one of a band and one of fans, and finish filling up the columns.

Sunday 13 March 2011

3rd Draft of Contents Page

I have added a picture of myself above the editor's letter and began filling out the columns with band names and page numbers. I now only have to get 2 more pictures, one of fans, and one of a band from a photoshoot. I am also going to fill the columns with page numbers and band names (obviously!) and use the same font as my magazine's masthead, to write "BLACK NOISE THIS MONTH" across the top of the columns.