Monday 28 February 2011

Some of the photos I am using for my contents page.

1 -

2 - I am not sure which of these images to use.

3 - I have not taken a suitable image yet.
(if I can use an image of myself for 'editor').
4 -
5 - I have not taken a suitable image yet.
6 - I have not taken a suitble image yet.

Friday 25 February 2011

Photo Planning.

1- The big photo will be a medium close up of the cover artist.
2- One of the smaller photos covering this will be a longshot of a band preforming live on stage.
3- The other smaller photo covering this will be a longshot of a band, from a photoshoot.
4- The photo above the editor's comment will be a medium close up/ close up of a single person.
5- The photo within the contents page will be fans holding up a sign.
6- The photo in the bottom right corner will be a medium shot/ medium close up of a single artist.

Rough Draft of Music Magazine Contents Page.

Friday 18 February 2011

Changes Made to Magazine Front Cover

 I have changed the main image and the font of the main sell line, I have also added some feautured bands in the corner. I am not sur which of these 2 layouts I would like to use but I am definately going to remove the white box that I have accidentally place over the main image!!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Contents pages that I like.

I like this contents page as the layout is clear and well-structured. It gives the reader a lot of information without being cluttered.

Again, this contents page has a very good structure to it, it has less picturs than the first example but still gives a clear idea what to expect from inside the magazine.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

6th Draft of Double Page Spread. (maybe final but might change pic for better quality version)

I have added, the magazine's logo(next to the page numbers) and website, along with credits for the photographs and article for authenticity. I have also included a "mini-review" in the bottom, similar to an double page spread I found in Q magazine.

Friday 11 February 2011

4th & 5th Draft of Double Page Spread


Here I have changed the font of the headline and added some pull-quotes.
Here, I have put in page numbers and a little message saying "Merry X-mas!" to mark that it is the christmas issue. I still have to add a small logo next to the numbers, the magazine's web adress for authenticity and maybe a "mini-review" in the space at the bottom.

Friday 4 February 2011

3rd Draft of Double Page Spread

Here, I have put the title in the colours of tartan and added a black box as a background. I have also put the article in red and added a yellow outline to the introductory paragraph to make it stand out.

2nd Draft of Double Page Spread

Here, I have added in the title, but I still want to change the font and put some colour in. (I may put the title in each colour featured in the tartan pattern, with or without a black background).

1st Draft of Double Page Spread

I have put my article and picture but still need to think about the title and also different fonts and different colours.