Monday 11 October 2010

Market Research Questionnaire Results

The results from my questionnaire show that, the masthead most people preferred was Class of Kings with 2 votes, although 2 people also suggested King Henry News. Both slogans, "The Write Way" and "CLASS News!" got 3 votes each, with "For the students, by the students" and "EdYOUcation" not far behind, having 2 votes each. Most people, if given the option, would like the school magazine for free and the most favorable topics to read about were, uniform, exam results, and clubs and activites. The most preferred image for the front cover was a tie between sixth form students and a mixture of pupils from each key stage. The school band was also a popular option. The colours that most people associate with the school are blue, yellow and black, white was close, and 3 people also suggested gold.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

School Magazine Front Cover – Market Research Questionnaire


  1. How old are you?
    - 11-13
    - 14-16
    - 17-18
  2. What school year are you in?
    - Year 7
    - Year 8
    - Year 9
    - Year 10
    - Year 11
    - Sixth Form
  3. What gender are you?
    - Male
    - Female
  4. What magazines do you enjoy reading?
    - Film & Tv
    - Music
    - Sport
    - Games
    - Gossip
    - I don't read magazines
    - Other (please state) ________________
  5. Which of these mastheads(names) for a school magazine do you prefer?
    - The King's Crown
    - School Mag
    - Too School for Cool
    - King Henry the Great
    - Class of Kings
    - Other (please state) ________________
  6. Which of these slogans do you prefer?
    - CLASS news!
    - School news for cool dudes!
    - For the students, by the students.
    - The write way
    - EdYOUcation
  7. How much would you pay for a school magazine?
    - 50p - £1
    - £1 - £2
    - £2 - £3
    - Over £3
    - FREE!
  8. Which of the following stories would you be most interested in reading in a school magazine? (circle 3)
    - Uniform
    - Sport success
    - Healthy eating in the canteen
    - Clubs and activities
    - Exam results
    - New staffroom
    - Teachers' secrets
    - Visits and trips
    - Other (please state) ________________
  9. Which of the following images would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine? (choose 1)
    - School band
    - Teachers ~ Group
    - Teacher ~ Individual
    - School sports team(s)
    - School production/club
    - Sixth form students
    - Key stage 4 pupils
    - Key stage 3 pupils
    - A mixture of pupils from each key stage
    - Other (please state) ________________
  10. Which of the following colours do you associate with your school? (circle 3)
    - Red
    - Yellow
    - Blue
    - Black
    - White
    - Green
    - Other (please state) ________________