Wednesday 6 October 2010

School Magazine Front Cover – Market Research Questionnaire


  1. How old are you?
    - 11-13
    - 14-16
    - 17-18
  2. What school year are you in?
    - Year 7
    - Year 8
    - Year 9
    - Year 10
    - Year 11
    - Sixth Form
  3. What gender are you?
    - Male
    - Female
  4. What magazines do you enjoy reading?
    - Film & Tv
    - Music
    - Sport
    - Games
    - Gossip
    - I don't read magazines
    - Other (please state) ________________
  5. Which of these mastheads(names) for a school magazine do you prefer?
    - The King's Crown
    - School Mag
    - Too School for Cool
    - King Henry the Great
    - Class of Kings
    - Other (please state) ________________
  6. Which of these slogans do you prefer?
    - CLASS news!
    - School news for cool dudes!
    - For the students, by the students.
    - The write way
    - EdYOUcation
  7. How much would you pay for a school magazine?
    - 50p - £1
    - £1 - £2
    - £2 - £3
    - Over £3
    - FREE!
  8. Which of the following stories would you be most interested in reading in a school magazine? (circle 3)
    - Uniform
    - Sport success
    - Healthy eating in the canteen
    - Clubs and activities
    - Exam results
    - New staffroom
    - Teachers' secrets
    - Visits and trips
    - Other (please state) ________________
  9. Which of the following images would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine? (choose 1)
    - School band
    - Teachers ~ Group
    - Teacher ~ Individual
    - School sports team(s)
    - School production/club
    - Sixth form students
    - Key stage 4 pupils
    - Key stage 3 pupils
    - A mixture of pupils from each key stage
    - Other (please state) ________________
  10. Which of the following colours do you associate with your school? (circle 3)
    - Red
    - Yellow
    - Blue
    - Black
    - White
    - Green
    - Other (please state) ________________

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you have managed to post your questionnaire by 07/10/10.Your copies will be ready for distribution on 11/11/10.
