Thursday 2 December 2010

Photoshoot Planning for Music Magazine.

Main Image:

Shoot date and time
Saturday 4th December 2010

Image Description

Medium Close Up of 2 male and 1 female model from a lower angle making them appear dominant

Shoot Location

A room with different instruments set up to simulate a band practice
Model / person contact Details
        Kate Morgan, Rhys Jenkins and Adam Turner

Permission Details

        I have asked their permission :)


Plan of shots

Try different arrangements and/or angles, look at front covers containing other punk artists

Subsidiary Image 1(battle of the bands):

Shoot date and time
Saturday 4th December 2010

Image Description

2 band members facing each other, from side on

Shoot Location

A hall that looks like it could be used for a concert

Model / person contact Details
        2 of my friends

Permission Details

        I have asked their permission :)

               maybe instrument and/or microphone, to create realism within the picture to the fact that they are from a band

Plan of shots

Take a couple from each side, medium close up to show expression on the face (determined) but still get the props in.

Subsidiary image 2 (Rockstar's tattoos and their meanings):

Shoot date and time
Saturday 4th December 2010

Image Description

A close up of a tattoo to show the detail

Shoot Location

Anywhere available

Model / person contact Details
        Unsure (someone with tattoos :P)

Permission Details

        I will have asked their permission :)


Plan of shots

Try different angles, make sure to get all of the detail in

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