Tuesday 3 May 2011

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation


1. Images comparing my front cover, contents and double page spread with real magazines.

7.  Images comparing my preliminary task with the finished product

Sunday 17 April 2011


I am currently working on contructing an evaluation video for my coursework using the 7 evaluation questions

Sunday 27 March 2011

4th Draft of Contents Page

I have added a small picture of an envelope, "BLACK NOISE THIS MONTH" and started to fill up the columns, I now need to add 2 more pictures, one of a band and one of fans, and finish filling up the columns.

Sunday 13 March 2011

3rd Draft of Contents Page

I have added a picture of myself above the editor's letter and began filling out the columns with band names and page numbers. I now only have to get 2 more pictures, one of fans, and one of a band from a photoshoot. I am also going to fill the columns with page numbers and band names (obviously!) and use the same font as my magazine's masthead, to write "BLACK NOISE THIS MONTH" across the top of the columns.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Second Draft of Contents Page

I have added a large picture at the top of the page, a picture of an "artist" and a subscription offer in the bottom right. I have also written an editor's letter.

Monday 28 February 2011

Some of the photos I am using for my contents page.

1 -

2 - I am not sure which of these images to use.

3 - I have not taken a suitable image yet.
(if I can use an image of myself for 'editor').
4 -
5 - I have not taken a suitable image yet.
6 - I have not taken a suitble image yet.

Friday 25 February 2011

Photo Planning.

1- The big photo will be a medium close up of the cover artist.
2- One of the smaller photos covering this will be a longshot of a band preforming live on stage.
3- The other smaller photo covering this will be a longshot of a band, from a photoshoot.
4- The photo above the editor's comment will be a medium close up/ close up of a single person.
5- The photo within the contents page will be fans holding up a sign.
6- The photo in the bottom right corner will be a medium shot/ medium close up of a single artist.

Rough Draft of Music Magazine Contents Page.

Friday 18 February 2011

Changes Made to Magazine Front Cover

 I have changed the main image and the font of the main sell line, I have also added some feautured bands in the corner. I am not sur which of these 2 layouts I would like to use but I am definately going to remove the white box that I have accidentally place over the main image!!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Contents pages that I like.

I like this contents page as the layout is clear and well-structured. It gives the reader a lot of information without being cluttered.

Again, this contents page has a very good structure to it, it has less picturs than the first example but still gives a clear idea what to expect from inside the magazine.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

6th Draft of Double Page Spread. (maybe final but might change pic for better quality version)

I have added, the magazine's logo(next to the page numbers) and website, along with credits for the photographs and article for authenticity. I have also included a "mini-review" in the bottom, similar to an double page spread I found in Q magazine.

Friday 11 February 2011

4th & 5th Draft of Double Page Spread


Here I have changed the font of the headline and added some pull-quotes.
Here, I have put in page numbers and a little message saying "Merry X-mas!" to mark that it is the christmas issue. I still have to add a small logo next to the numbers, the magazine's web adress for authenticity and maybe a "mini-review" in the space at the bottom.

Friday 4 February 2011

3rd Draft of Double Page Spread

Here, I have put the title in the colours of tartan and added a black box as a background. I have also put the article in red and added a yellow outline to the introductory paragraph to make it stand out.

2nd Draft of Double Page Spread

Here, I have added in the title, but I still want to change the font and put some colour in. (I may put the title in each colour featured in the tartan pattern, with or without a black background).

1st Draft of Double Page Spread

I have put my article and picture but still need to think about the title and also different fonts and different colours.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

2nd Draft of Article (923 words)

Things that go bump in the night”

Born into middle class families in London, UK, these 2 lovely ladies couldn’t wait to get out and rock out! Punk's newest queens from the band Infernal Racket, Special K and Izziwizz, or Kate Morgan and Isabel Stokes according to their birth certificates, are getting ready to take over the world and prove everyone who ever doubted them, wrong.

“I was the type of kid who got c**p from everyone at school” explains Izziwizz “They called me names, threw food at me, spat on me... I didn't care, I just had a shower and got on with it!” These girls clearly don't let things bother them. “Yeah, and us getting famous is kind of a big middle finger to them all!” adds in Special K.

It seems like they are not the only people that deserve a cussing out. Teachers, parents, ex-friends, ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends... Even fellow celebrities! “It's s**ts like Paris Hilton who ruin the idea of celebrities and what it takes to be famous.”

And if you think that's offensive, then take into account that half of the time, the two of them are either drunk, high or both. Very lady-like indeed..

But they weren't always this dysfunctional, Special K had a rather nice up-bringing in fact. A Green-grocer for a father and nurse for a mother. “I was raised as Catholic” she tells us “But sex, drugs and rock'n'roll is a lot more fun than Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.”

Izziwizz, not being Catholic, was from a different kind of family, but the same neighbourhood. “My Mum was far more lenient than Special K's parents, and my Dad wasn't around much. Her Mum viewed me as a bad influence on her whereas my Mum was just glad that I'd made a friend.”

They'd been living on the same street for three years, completely unaware of each other and their musical talents. And judging by their début album, 'Kryopsy', what a waste of three years! When they finally got their act together, at the age of seventeen, it was all thanks to Special K's cousin, Caleb, who was dating Izziwizz at the time.

He invited her to a family get-together, ever the gentleman, and that's where they first met. And that's not the only thing that Caleb did well. The pair of them are getting married next summer! “We're not planning anything too big or fancy. I'm not a fan of meringue dresses anyway.” The blushing bride to be says, and Special K is in line for the role of head Bridesmaid along with their friend Phoebe as second.

The colour scheme is going to be red and black with white flowers, in a church with only fifteen guests, wait, seventeen now Black Noise have been invited. Most of them being family so we of course feel privileged. But to be honest, were only going for the free food!

The wonderful couple are also planning on making themselves a trio. Yes that's right, a baby. She wants a boy, he wants a girl but the most excited person involved is Special K, the future Godmother. “I can't wait to take her shopping for clothes and toys!” Calm down, the baby hasn't even been conceived yet.

You couldn't even start to imagine just how gushy, talk of a baby could turn these punk princesses unless you saw it for yourself. Even then you wouldn't believe your eyes.

That's what these girls are really, a bunch of contradictions in human form. They look like walking stereotypes but then you actually sit down and talk with them and everything you thought just vanishes into thin air and you feel a little bit stupid and disappointed in yourself.

It's like that old saying, you know the one? 'never judge a book by it's cover'? Yes, well if these girls were books, the covers would be slightly tattered but all in all extremely hard-wearing with thick leather binding and an obnoxious title which puts you off ever reading it, while inside the pages would hold either a terrifically soppy love story or a children's novel about a small, cute character of some kind. Yes, the girls do have a very large helping of attitude but it has a dollop of humour and a side order of care with it, not forgetting the lashings of sweetness and sprinkling of generally being nice.

There's definitely a likeability factor going on with the girls, not only are they amazing musicians who cater for nearly every possible type of fan, they are also incredibly easy to get along with and make for some brilliant company.

Infernal Racket have not only just released an album full of perfect songs with awesome names and witty lyrics, they are also starring in the new “Black Noise Beginners” from April 14th – 21st. The tickets are selling like hot cakes and these two are definitely one of the favourites.

The girls are headlining for the London and Bristol dates of the tour with support from other recent newcomers such as Jimmy Spleen, Baker Street's Bleeding, Lola Lunestar(former singer of the band, Death by Anonymity) and Gimme Gimme Sedatives.

This pair truly are one to watch in the coming year, with a 12 track album bursting at the seams with genius already out and still more, rattling up in the old noggins. The revue for Infernal Racket's début album “Kryopsy” is featured on pg.26 of the magazine.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Article (800words exactly xD) [not sure on the title yet]

Born into middle class families in London, UK. These 2 lovely ladies couldn’t wait to get out and rock out! Special K and Izziwizz, or Kate Morgan and Isabel Stokes according to their birth certificates, are getting ready to take over the world and prove everyone who ever doubted them, wrong.

“I was the type of kid who got c**p from everyone at school” explains Izziwizz “they called me names, threw food at me, spat on me... I didn't care, I just had a shower and got on with it!” These girls clearly don't let things bother them. “Yeah, and us getting famous is kind of a big middle finger to them all!” joined in Special K.

And it seems like their not the only people that a deserve a cussing out. Teachers, parents, ex-friends, ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends... Even fellow celebrities! “It's s**ts like Paris Hilton who ruin the idea of celebrities and what it takes to be famous.”

And if you think that's offensive, then take into account that half of the time or more, the 2 of them are either drunk, high or both. Very lady-like indeed..

But they weren't always this dysfunctional, Special K had a rather nice up-bringing in fact. Green-grocer for a father and nurse for a mother. “I was raised as Catholic” she tells us “But sex, drugs and rock'n'roll is a lot more fun than Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.”

Izziwizz, not being Catholic, was from a different kind of family, but the same neighbourhood. “My Mum was far more lenient than her parents, and my Dad wasn't around much. Her Mum viewed me as a bad influence on her whereas my Mum was just glad that I'd made a friend.”

They'd been living on the same street for 3 years, completely unaware of each other and their musical talents. And judging by their début album, 'Kryopsy', what a waste of 3 years! When they finally got their act together, at the age of 17, it was all thanks to Special K's cousin, Caleb, who was dating Izziwizz at the time.

He invited her to a family get-together, ever the gentleman, and that's where they first met. And that's not the only thing that Caleb did well. The pair of them are getting married next summer! “We're not planning anything too big or fancy. I'm not a fan of meringue dresses anyway.” The blushing bride to be says, and Special K is in line for post of head Bridesmaid along with their friend Phoebe as 2nd.

The colour scheme is going to be red and black with white flowers, in a church with only 15 guests, wait, 17 now we've been invited. Most of them being family so we of course feel privileged. But to be honest, were only going for the free food!

And the wonderful couple are planning on making themselves a trio. Yes that's right, a baby. She wants a boy, he wants a girl but the most excited person involved is Special K, the future Godmother. “I can't wait to take her shopping for clothes and toys!” Calm down, the baby hasn't even been conceived yet.

You couldn't even start to imagine just how gushy, talk of a baby could turn these punk princesses unless you saw it for yourself. And even then you wouldn't believe your eyes.

That's what these girls are really, a bunch of contradictions in human form. They look like walking stereotypes but then you actually sit down and talk with them and everything you thought just vanishes into thin air and you feel a little bit stupid and disappointed in yourself.

It's like that old saying, you know the one? 'never judge a book by it's cover'? Yes, well if these girls were books, the covers would be slightly tattered but all in all extremely hard-wearing with thick leather binding and an obnoxious title which puts you off ever reading it, while inside the pages would hold either a terrifically soppy love story or a children's novel about a small, cute character of some kind. Yes, the girls do have a very large helping of attitude but it has a dollop of humour and a side order of care with it, not forgetting the lashings of sweetness and sprinkling of generally being nice.

There's definitely a likeability factor going on with the girls, not only are they amazing musicians who cater for nearly every possible type of fan, they are also incredibly easy to get along with and make for some brilliant company.

This pair truly are one to watch in the coming year, with a 12 track album bursting at the seams with genius already out and still more, rattling up in the old noggins.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Articles That I Like.

I like the look of this article. I feel that the scribbles work well and make it look more authentic and if the person writing the article has been doodling ;) there is also slang and alliteration used to entertain the reader. Although I like the look of this article I don't think the colour scheme would go with my magazine so I would use a different colour scheme.

 I love how they have used all different images over lapping each other instead of just one image, I think this makes it unique and eye-catching. The page is quite busy but at the same time delivers the information needed. This layout would be effective but difficult to recreate.

Fourth and Fifth Drafts of my Music Magazine Cover.

Here I have added the sell line "Grunge Takes On Goth In This Year's Battle Of The Bands!" This sell line uses the technique of alliteration to attract the reader. I have also added in more details such as a price, issue number and barcode.

Here I have added another subsidiary image and used the sell line "The Story behind Sephy Nightmare's New Ink!" I have used the slang term "Ink" to refer to her tattoo as it is more in sync with my target audience. I have also added in main image, I feel that the brick background and feathered effect work well together although the image could have been sized up quite a bit.