Monday 8 November 2010

Evaluation of my Magazine Cover

The name of the magazine is appropriate. The word "class" refers to the fact that it is a school magazine and the word "kings" links into the name of the school. The colour scheme of the masthead is appropriate as it reflects the school colours. The masthead is larger than the other text used on the page, but it is not large enough to obstruct the main image.

I have used the main image as a backdrop for the magazine cover but it would not fit without being stretched, so I have used the banners to compensate. It is a lot larger than the other images I have used. My main image does not necessarily represent a certain story but it gives the idea of what pupils and school life are like at KHS. The main image is in the middle of the page, behind the masthead, slogan and subsidiary images.

My magazine cover has 3 subsidiary images. The subsidiary images are smaller than the main image, but big enough to be able to make out what is going on. I have placed the subsidiary images around the sides of the main image so as not to get in the way of the main image. The subsidiary images I have used give a clear indication of the stories they represent, as I have used suitable props that help to create a believable image.

I have used a sell line under each subsidiary image to help describe what is happening. I think they give a clear indication of what the picture is showing and what will be inside the magazine. All of the sell lines are in the same orange. I have used this colour as it could be seen wherever I placed the text against the background.

The language I have used is both informativve, as it explains what is going on, and entertaining, as I have used literary devices. The literary devices I have used include alliteration in the words "student's success" and the idiom "hits the spot".

I have used 2 different fonts, one for my masthead and slogan, and one for my sell lines. The font size of my masthead is bigger than my slogan which is in turn, bigger than the font used for my sell lines.

The layout of the font page is clear as the images are all equally visible and the sell lines are in line with the correct subsidiary images. However there is not much organisation to the page. The subsidiary images look as though they have just been placed on with no thought.

The front page of my magazine would appeal to the reader as it is easy to understand but also it is not exactly as eyecatching as I would have liked. My magazine follows most of the conventional rules of a magazine cover but it does not include a date or a barcode. It is recognisable as a school magazine as it covers school related topics.

The 3 aspects of my front cover that I think work well are the main image, the masthead and the alliteration used in one of the sell lines. The 3 aspects of my front cover that can be improved are the (lack of) issue number and date, the placement of the subsidiary images and the fonts used.

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