Monday 22 November 2010

Reader Profile for my Music Magazine

Male - 55%
Female 45%
Average age - 18
Still Studying - 71%
Work Full Time - 10%

In the last 12months readers have bought on average:
  • 47 CD Albums
  • 21 CD Singles

37% buy most of their music from a major music chain
10% specialist record shop
53% online retailer
27 tracks downloaded in last month
33 albums burned to computer
22% own a minidisc player
30% own an iPod
29% digital radio
31% CD player

Gigs and events:

72% go to gigs regularly/often - on average 2 gigs per month
1 festival per year - 60% got tickets online
                                  32% over phone
26% agree that "advertising helps me choose what I buy"
93% agree that "music is and important part of my life"
87% agree that they "like to listen to knew bands"
45% are "tempted to buy products I've seen advertised"

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