Monday 22 November 2010

Mission Statement for Music Magazine

Black Noise is a new kind of music magazine that combine genres such as punk, grunge and rock.

Black Noise is aimed at a younger fan base who appreciate contemporary music but also have a taste for an older generation of tracks. The age range being 15-25. Black Noise's readers should have a dark sense of humour and almost an arrogance about them.

Black Noise contains all the knowledge needed to keep up with the world of rock music. It includes an edgy attitude and adds a sarcastic bite to nearly all topics.

Black Noise will not be afraid to raise an issue when needed and will make jokes at people's expenses. It will not shy away from offending for the general outcome of humour.

Black Noise's role in it's readers' lives is to inspire, inform, prehaps even insult at times, but most of all to entertain.

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